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Friday, October 28, 2005 OF GHOSTS AND HALLOWEEN


A Happy Halloween and Samhain to everyone. I hope you and your costumed children stay safe on this Beggar’s Night. Remember, that creepy house on the corner probably contains an axe murderer, and if you light a candle and wish very hard, you might end up with your very own vampire to ravish you. There will be fights all over of women fighting it out to determine whether they end up with Angel or Spike. As long as I can curl up with a certain former watcher turned demon hunter, turned really hot guy, or a certain Agent Finn, I’m a happy camper. (

I’m spending this Halloween weekend appropriately enough finishing up the sequel to Ghost Touch. Kyle receives his story, and boy is it a good one. Hoping this finds a home once it’s completed.

I’ve advised the other half to tell any family members who call (to pretty much ask me what I’m doing. Like DUH! I’m writing. What else would I be doing? Okay…what else would I be doing that I could tell them about? ) that I won’t be answering the phone this weekend, but I will call them back once I type “THE END.”

I’ll be putting out the next issue of my newsletter next week, so now is a good time to subscribe if you want to be in the running for Mrs. Fields cookies. We’ll have a new contest for December into January. I think it, too, will involve food. Yeah free food!!!!

Take care and read lots!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 5:08 PM :: 0 comments

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